Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Things 8 and 9

I created a Facebook account and looked up several high school classmates. Very interesting. Now I'm planning to add 3 groups as requested in Thing 9. Not sure what groups I want to join - TLA and ALA???

1 comment:

  1. I signed on to Facebook again and I think it's a generational thing, because I really can't get into this. I don't know if I'm afraid to get into it because I know it will consume a tremendous amount of my time which is already consumed; or if I'm afraid of liking it too much (communicating with different friends); or if I'm going to find out just how much older than everyone I am getting.
    I read different profiles of former high school friends and learned about their grandchildren, their travels, their hobbies, but it was all very redundant after a while... I also read about 2 people I do not know at all (or can't remember them!). I really hate to be so negative about all of this, but the up side is that 'at least I tried it'... right?
